Saturday, October 13, 2007

Angkasa 1??

do you feel proud that we sent a Malaysia to space?? Well Malaysia boleh!! Boleh spend few billions on useless trips to space they boleh la... what's the point on spending few billion just to buy a trip to space?? well the rocket is not Malaysia made and certainly the rocket was not launched on Malaysian soil so is there anything to be proud of?? well other than donating alot of tax payer's cold hard cash to Russia.. (Malaysian are very generous indeed)

you see.. it can be said that our rulers are very short sighted, they only see the short cut to everything and in the end they make very unwise decisions.. the angkasa 1 is one of the so called proud moment of all malaysians is just another example of it..

if we really want to feel proud on sending malaysians to space.. we should DO it on our OWN!! build OUR own ROckets!! launch on OUr own soil... that we should be proud of!! at our current rate of advancement, even indonesia will our run us if our rulers keep making childish decisions..

think further la....even i can think further...

1 comment:


this is what we get when we are choosing the wrong guy to rules the nation. And this is what we face in multi-racial society. Couldn't make decision on your own.

Everything seems so wrong and it obvious. From down to top the mistake and wrong doing exposed one by one.

God Help Malaysia.....